Our Bosses
These two dentists are the founders of our little company. They sold their successful dental practice and mortgaged their lives to try to inspire a very stale and lackluster oral care category dominated by giant disconnected corporations. They may look cute but they are total nerds who care so much about every ingredient that goes into their products and where it’s sourced and how affordable we can make it for everyone. We love that about them.

Our Crew
The bosses hired us, a happy but motley crew of creative surfers, skaters, thrift store fashion divas, wannabe DJ’s, punk rockers, relentless workaholics, kind hearted community influencers and one smart as shit financial guy to try to keep the piggy bank from emptying. We don’t take ourselves or our funky marketing very seriously but we do take the products we make and how we treat each other and our customers very seriously.